The American Cancer Society Presents:
2011 Nebo Relay for Life
July 15th 5:00pm to July 16th 9am
held at
Payson Memorial Park

Celebrate * Remember * Fight Back

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You can form a Relay Team with your company, your friends, your family - anyone! Click here to sign up today!

If you are a cancer survivor we would be honored to have you as a part of our event. The first lap is dedicated to you. Receive a free medal for your participation and join in our special reception in your honor.
One of the most touching ceremonies is the luminaria ceremony. We will be reading the names of the survivors and those we have lost. You can purchase a luminaria and support your American Cancer Society.
You can sponsor a team, an individual or make a general donation to the event. Thanks for your support!

NCAA Coaches Join in the Fight Against Cancer: